The Year of the Tiger began on February 14 th 2010. Drama, intensity, change and travel will be the keywords for 2010. Unfortunately, world conflicts and disasters tend to feature during Tiger years also, so it won’t be a dull 12 months for anyone. The Year of the Tiger will bring far reaching changes for everyone. New inventions and incredible technological advances have a good chance of occurring. For all of the Chinese horoscope signs, this year is one to be active – seizing opportunities and making the most of our personal and very individual talents. Everything happens quickly and dramatically in a Tiger year – blink and you could miss an important chance of a lifetime!
Source: Wayangtimes.com
Former South African President Nelson Mandela celebrates the 20th anniversary of his release from prison on February 11, with the country a strong democracy but still plagued by inequality, poverty and unemployment. Born July 18, 1918, Mandela devoted his life to the fight against white domination. He found the ANC Youth League with Oliver Tambo and Walter Sizulu . Mandela was among the first to advocate armed resistance to apartheid, going underground in 1961 to form the ANC's armed wing “Umkhonto we Sizwe” (the Spear of the Nation). Charged with capital offences in the 1963 Rivonia Trial, his statement from the dock was his political testimony.
Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964. FW de Klerk, South Africa's last white president, finally lifted the ban on the ANC and other liberation movements and Mandela was freed on Feb. 11, 1990.
A year later he was elected president of the ANC and in May 1994 was inaugurated as South Africa's first black president. He used his prestige to achieve reconciliation, setting up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to probe crimes by both sides in the anti-apartheid struggle. In 1999, Mandela handed over to younger leaders better equipped to manage a modern economy -- a rare voluntary departure from power cited as an example to African leaders.
Source: Reuters
In ancient Greece (469 - 399 BC), Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom. One day the great philosopher came upon an acquaintance who ran up to him excitedly and said:
- "Socrates, do you know what I just heard about one of your students?"
- "Wait a moment," Socrates replied. "Before you tell me I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Triple Filter Test."
- "Triple filter?" asked the acquaintance.
- "That's right," Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about my student let's take a moment to filter what you're going to say. The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?"
- "No," the man said, "actually I just heard about it."
- "All right," said Socrates. "So you don't really know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my student something good?"
- "No, on the contrary ".
- "So," Socrates continued, "you want to tell me something bad about him, even though you're not certain it's true?"
The man shrugged, a little embarrassed.
Socrates continued.
- " You may still pass the test though, because there is a third filter - the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my student going to be useful to me?"
- "No, not really..."
- "Well," concluded Socrates, "if what you want to tell me is neither True nor Good nor even Useful, why tell it to me at all?"
The man was defeated and ashamed.
This is the reason Socrates was a great philosopher and held in such high esteem. It also explains why he never found out that Plato was shagging his wife.
Alice in Wonderland is an upcoming fantasy-adventure film directed by Tim Burton. It is an extension to the Lewis Carroll 1865 novels Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and and Through the Looking-Glass. The film will use a technique combining live action and animation. Mia Wasikowska plays the role of Alice, alongside Johnny Depp as The Mad Hatter, Helena Bonham Carter as The Red Queen, Anne Hathaway as The White Queen and Crispin Glover as The Knave of Hearts. The film is scheduled for release on March 5, 2010 through Walt Disney Pictures in Disney Digital 3-D and IMAX 3-D, as well as in regular theaters.