Thursday, October 28, 2010

The art of Constantin Brancusi

"The Kiss"
"Sleeping Muse"
"The Newborn"
"Sleeping Muse", bronze
"Mademoiselle Pogany" Triplet

The Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi (1876-1957) was a central figure of the modern movement and a pioneer of abstraction.  His sculpture is noted for its visual elegance and sensitive use of materials, combining the directness of peasant carving with the sophistication  of the Parisian avant-garde.  After attending the Bucharest School of Fine Arts and learning of the sculpture of August Rodin, Brancusi traveled  to Paris in 1904.  Brancusi created his first major work, The Kiss, in 1908.  From this time his sculpture became increasingly abstract, moving from the disembodied head of Sleeping Muse to the virtually featureless Beginning of the World and from the formal  figure of the legendary bird Maiastra to numerous versions of the ethereal Bird in Space

Brancusi's sculpture gained international notoriety at the 1913 Armory Show in New York, a city that he visited four times and where his work frequently would be exhibited.  In his Paris studio at 8 Impasse Ronsin Brancusi devoted great attention to the arrangement of his sculptures, documenting individual works and their installation in an important body of photographs. (The Noguchi Museum)


story said...

artistically, it contains a high art. see the image alone is fun. which makes it really have a high flavor, which have a blog also has a high taste of art.

Scorchfield said...


Phivos Nicolaides said...

Very beautiful and interesting indeed!

Scorchfield said...

@Phivos Nicolaides

"The strict geometric structure, the harmonious proportions and the abstract quality epitomize those virtues that made Cycladic art a source of inspiration for important twentieth-century artists, such as Brancusi, Modigliani, Archipenko, Giacometti, Moore and Hepworth, and established it as one of the most distinctive forms of Western artistic expression."

I like Greece! :)

"Ouvir..." thx for this post! :)

Encik MamaT said...

very beautiful...

lina@happy family said...

A Genius...