Sunday, November 28, 2010

3 Stages of Life



lina@home sweet home said...

It's so true...
We can't have everything all at once.

Scorchfield said...

You remember me about a mit!
I copy-paste quickly this

Oedipus came across the Sphinx on his way to a certain city but it's slipped my mind. The sphinx asked him
"What walks on four feet in the morning, two in the afternoon and three in the evening?"

Oedipus pondered on this question and then read his correct answer "Man."

Read more:

Cheqna said...

How true...hope there will come the time when we have all 3 to enjoy the beauty of life


Primomel said...

so true =)

Sean Grey Hanson said...

Great post! I was captured by your cute pictures..Great blog indeed..rare music background!

Azyan said...

OMG,this is so true!
nice post:)