Monday, June 1, 2009
Thanking God
How often do we thank God for the everyday things in our lives? If we are like most people, not often enough. Consider these ordinary things in our lives:
1. Breathing - How many people thank God for the ability to breathe? Most people on Earth are able to breathe without pain. Some find that most breathing is accompanied with pain. Those without pain should be thankful to God for that wonderous gift; those with pain should be thankful that they can breathe at all or that the pain isn't worse.
2. Walking - How many people thank God for the ability to walk and stand? Most people on Earth does these things without thinking about them, with no suffering at all, and forget that this ability is a gift from God. For those who walking and standing are limited or accompanied by pain, they too should thank God that they can do that much, they could lose the ability totally or suffer more.
3. Thinking - How many people thank God for the ability to think? Most people on Earth have no problems thinking and living a life with intelligence. This is a great gift from God and we should be thankful for it.
4. Communicating - How many people thank God for the ability to communicate with others? Most people on earth have no problems letting others know what they think, feel, and desire. We should thank God for this gift we premit us to share our lives with the lives of others.
5. Sensing - How many people thank God for the ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch? Most people on earth uses these everyday and take them for granted. We should thank God for being able to sense our environment.
6. Loving - How many people thank God for the ability to love? Every person on Earth has been granted this wonderful gift which God will always strengthen when asked. We should thank God for this great gift, that we share with God himself.
7. Choosing - How many people thank God for the gift of Free Will? God has granted us humans the ability to choose how we live our lifes. We are not mindless slaves of God, but rather free individuals who can choose the sort of lives we live. We should thank God for this gift that allows us the choose Him and to make loving decisions.
8. Existing - How many people thank God for them existing? Without God actively willing each person to exist, we would all cease to exist. It is only through God's active will that we exist at all. He granted and sustains our lives. We should be thankful to Him for life itself.
Not everyone is as blest as others, many have difficulty breathing, walking, thinking. communicating, and sensing. Consider how your life be if you had difficulties in any of these areas. If you have blest in these areas, thank God.
Think about the other ways God has blessed our lives:
9. Loving People - Consider all those people in ours lives who make our lives better in anyway. God made each of them and deserves thanks for them.
10. Shelter - Most of us on Earth have a home to live in. God made it possible for us to have shelter from the weather and a place to rest. We need to thank God for having home on Earth.
11. Food & Water - Many of us on Earth have sufficient food and water to live on. God made this possible. We need to thank God for providing us food to eat and water to drink.
12. Electricty - Many of us on Earth have electricity to make our lives easier, providing light, heating, cooling, cooking, entertainment and communications. God make this possible for us. We need to thank God for the conveniences that electricity bring us to make our lives easier.
13. Meaningful Work - Most of us on Earth are fortunate to have meaningful work to do that allows us to provide for some of our needs and fulfill a sense of well-being within ourselves. God makes our work possible. We need to thank God for the meaningful work we do in our lives and offer this work as a living sacrafice to God.
14. Rule of Law - Most of us on Earth live under a rule of law that keeps us relatively free from crime. God make it possible for us to have laws to protect ourselves. We need to thank God for this.
15. Laws of Nature - God created a wonderful world that operates under scientific principles, that is the laws of nature, that permits us to live in this world. We need to thank God for His creation of the world we live in and the laws of nature that He created.
16. God's Love for us - God loves each of us more than we ever can imagine, perfectly as only the Divine can including forgiving us of our wrongdoings and suffering for us. This is the greatest gift of God to us and we need to thank Him for loving us, even in our sinfulness.
Consider all those world, who lack in one or more of the above. For those of us who have been blest, we need to thank God.
God does so much for each and everyone of us. Think about all those things that God does for you. Wow!
by Thomas A.Stobie
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Olá, Ana!
Deixe que eu me apresente: Ana Cristina de Toledo!!!
Um grande abraço, xará!
thank you very much, friend
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